Consulting & training for highest standards – since 1989. For more than three decades, we have successfully supported our customers in matters of business organization, leadership and intralogistics.
As experts in business organization, we support your company with high-quality job descriptions and management concepts. At we run the largest online store for job descriptions with over 500 different job descriptions templates for instant download. Learn more about job descriptions.
As your partner for your intralogistics project, we accompany you from the comprehensive analysis of your requirements and data, through conceptual design, tendering and supplier selection, to project acceptance. Whether partial or full automation, shuttle systems, AutoStore, AGVs, AMRs, pallet high-bay warehouses or lean process improvements: We know technologies, solutions and suppliers and can help you navigate the market. And importantly, we can show you how to leverage technology to create solutions that make sense and lead to the return on investment you are hoping for. Learn more about our portfolio in logistics consulting and warehouse automation.
Would you like to learn how to plan automated intralogistics systems yourself? We’ll show you how. Take a look at our current offers for seminars and workshops.
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Dr. Beer Management & Logistik
Am Wildpark 22
38667 Bad Harzburg
+49 (0) 5322 90 500 37
Recent Publications
Occasionally, we publish technical articles online. Here is a selection.
- Robotic Piece Picking: Anatomy of a Broken Business ModelThis article is about the broken business model of robotic piece picking companies. If you are looking for the broken business model of Q-commerce companies, please read this article or this one. For a long time, piece picking robotics was a niche segment in warehouse automation, but the general consensus was that it was rapidly… Read more: Robotic Piece Picking: Anatomy of a Broken Business Model
- The Technological Plateau in Warehouse Automation: Where Real Change HappensWarehouse automation has been around for many decades. It is a complex and expansive industry that has, in recent years (specifically the last five to ten), been characterized by a surge of innovations — or rather, a lot of “new stuff”, some of which is genuinely innovative, while other is less so. I thought it… Read more: The Technological Plateau in Warehouse Automation: Where Real Change Happens
- Organizational Culture Doesn’t Go Away, So We Better Take Care of ItSome time ago, I published a text entitled “Remote Work and the Underrated Concept of Organizational Culture”. The point of the article was what the title suggests: I wanted to highlight the importance of organizational culture to business performance and I connected it to the Covid-induced trend of working from home arrangements, which does not… Read more: Organizational Culture Doesn’t Go Away, So We Better Take Care of It
- Takeoff Technologies and the Predictable Demise of the MFC ModelA few weeks ago, Takeoff Technologies filed for bankruptcy (Douglas Moran 2024). Takeoff Technologies was one of the first, if not the first start-up to coin the term Microfulfillment Center. Perhaps they’ll be rescued, I’d certainly be sorry to see them go and I have lots of respect for them trying to shake up the… Read more: Takeoff Technologies and the Predictable Demise of the MFC Model
- Mastering ABC Analysis in Power Query and ExcelOver the past few years, I have conducted data analysis seminars and workshops for a wide range of companies. The primary focus of these seminars has been on warehouse planning and analysis, utilizing tools such as MS Access and MS Excel (though the use of MS Access is declining), MS Excel combined with Power Query… Read more: Mastering ABC Analysis in Power Query and Excel
- BionicHIVE & SqUID: Is This Going to be a Revolution?Making a Dent It is rare for new entrants in an established industry to do something completely novel and different from all the incumbents. In a way, that may be the only way to succeed when the established competitors have all the experience, all the experts and all the expertise, all the infrastructure, all the… Read more: BionicHIVE & SqUID: Is This Going to be a Revolution?
- The Warehouse Engineering Podcast #5: Gili Ovadia of BionicHIVEIt is not that long ago that friends and colleagues sent me the same video several times a day: A robot drives through the warehouse, then climbs up a seemingly conventional rack and picks up a box. The video went viral in a short amount of time because, on the one hand, it inspired laypeople… Read more: The Warehouse Engineering Podcast #5: Gili Ovadia of BionicHIVE
- LogiMAT 2024 Recap & Gebhardt InstapickLogiMAT 2024 is over – and it was great! In this video I summarize some impressions and also say a few words about Instapick, the Gebhardt Group’s new storage system. The summary by Marco Gebhardt mentioned in the video can be found here:
- There is no Such Thing as “Sustainable Logistics”I would like to say a few words on the subject of “sustainable logistics”. The combination of “sustainability” and “logistics” is quite widespread. Google delivers almost 62,000 hits for the German combination “Nachhaltige Logistik” and around 521,000 for the English equivalent “Sustainable Logistics”. This does not include synonyms such as “green logistics” etc. for both… Read more: There is no Such Thing as “Sustainable Logistics”
- MODEX and LogiMAT 2024: What’s there to see?MODEX has just ended, LogiMAT begins next week. As always, the exhibitors – the industry is represented almost in its entirety – are busy advertising and vying for the attention of visitors. What was there to see at MODEX and what can visitors expect at LogiMAT? In a short video I present my perspective on… Read more: MODEX and LogiMAT 2024: What’s there to see?