On this page you will find an overview of our posts and publications. Most of the articles are written in English in order to make them accessible to the widest possible audience.

  • Takeoff Technologies and the Predictable Demise of the MFC Model

    Takeoff Technologies and the Predictable Demise of the MFC Model

    A few weeks ago, Takeoff Technologies filed for bankruptcy (Douglas Moran 2024). Takeoff Technologies was one of the first, if not the first start-up to coin the term Microfulfillment Center. Perhaps they’ll be rescued, I’d certainly be sorry to see them go and I have lots of respect for them trying to shake up the…

  • Mastering ABC Analysis in Power Query and Excel

    Mastering ABC Analysis in Power Query and Excel

    Over the past few years, I have conducted data analysis seminars and workshops for a wide range of companies. The primary focus of these seminars has been on warehouse planning and analysis, utilizing tools such as MS Access and MS Excel (though the use of MS Access is declining), MS Excel combined with Power Query…

  • BionicHIVE & SqUID: Is This Going to be a Revolution?

    BionicHIVE & SqUID: Is This Going to be a Revolution?

    Making a Dent It is rare for new entrants in an established industry to do something completely novel and different from all the incumbents. In a way, that may be the only way to succeed when the established competitors have all the experience, all the experts and all the expertise, all the infrastructure, all the…

  • The Warehouse Engineering Podcast #5: Gili Ovadia of BionicHIVE

    The Warehouse Engineering Podcast #5: Gili Ovadia of BionicHIVE

    It is not that long ago that friends and colleagues sent me the same video several times a day: A robot drives through the warehouse, then climbs up a seemingly conventional rack and picks up a box. The video went viral in a short amount of time because, on the one hand, it inspired laypeople…

  • LogiMAT 2024 Recap & Gebhardt Instapick

    LogiMAT 2024 Recap & Gebhardt Instapick

    LogiMAT 2024 is over – and it was great! In this video I summarize some impressions and also say a few words about Instapick, the Gebhardt Group’s new storage system. The summary by Marco Gebhardt mentioned in the video can be found here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/activity-7177586352580907008-AYL6.

  • There is no Such Thing as “Sustainable Logistics”

    There is no Such Thing as “Sustainable Logistics”

    I would like to say a few words on the subject of “sustainable logistics”. The combination of “sustainability” and “logistics” is quite widespread. Google delivers almost 62,000 hits for the German combination “Nachhaltige Logistik” and around 521,000 for the English equivalent “Sustainable Logistics”. This does not include synonyms such as “green logistics” etc. for both…

  • MODEX and LogiMAT 2024: What’s there to see?

    MODEX and LogiMAT 2024: What’s there to see?

    MODEX has just ended, LogiMAT begins next week. As always, the exhibitors – the industry is represented almost in its entirety – are busy advertising and vying for the attention of visitors. What was there to see at MODEX and what can visitors expect at LogiMAT? In a short video I present my perspective on…

  • Warehouse Audits as a Regular Exercise

    Warehouse Audits as a Regular Exercise

    In some areas of logistics, there are certain tools and practices that are practically unknown in other areas. Audits are an example of this. In purchasing and supplier management, conducting supplier audits is very common. It is a common practice in the automotive industry in particular: potential suppliers are audited before contracts are awarded. And…

  • Another guest appearance on the LIS podcast

    Another guest appearance on the LIS podcast

    After being invited to the Logistikkpodden as a guest for the first time last year, I recently had the pleasure of meeting Sue Kristiansen and Børge Østnes from Lager & Industrisystemer (LIS) for the second time. This time we mainly talked about questions that listeners asked after the last episode. Among other things, we talked…

  • Decoding Aldi and Lidl’s Success: A Logistics Perspective

    Decoding Aldi and Lidl’s Success: A Logistics Perspective

    I recently published an article in which I stated that high inventory levels are the most common problem in warehouses. Inventory levels are determined in part by SKU count, the number of products a company has in its portfolio. And so I thought it might be worth exploring this idea a little further and talking…

  • Warehousing Woes: Navigating Capacity Challenges

    Warehousing Woes: Navigating Capacity Challenges

    What is the most common problem in warehouses? It is not poor picking performance. It’s not the labor shortage. It’s too much inventory. They are full. I have had the opportunity to visit many warehouses over the last few years. And with very, very few exceptions, they all had one problem in common: they were…

  • Striking the Balance: Investigating Diminishing Marginal Productivity in Warehouse Automation

    Striking the Balance: Investigating Diminishing Marginal Productivity in Warehouse Automation

    Introduction In most projects where a warehouse operator is investigating the use of automation, there are a number of different routes that can be taken. I’m not just talking about the different types of technology that can be installed and used, but also the general direction the project can take in terms of scale and…

  • Review of Volume Dive and Comparison with AutoStore

    Review of Volume Dive and Comparison with AutoStore

    Introduction I have been following the cube storage market for some time. It is remarkable how many variations of the original AutoStore concept have emerged in recent years, some with very interesting approaches that address AutoStore’s limitations. In this article, I would like to introduce and review another new entrant in the dynamic cube storage…

  • The Warehouse Engineering Podcast #2: Yegor Anchyshkin (Instock)

    The Warehouse Engineering Podcast #2: Yegor Anchyshkin (Instock)

    I’m excited to share with you my conversation with industry expert and serial entrepreneur, Yegor Anchyshkin. Yegor is co-founder and CEO of Instock, a warehouse automation company that does things in a unique way. He also co-founded CartFresh, Zakaz.ua and Viewdle, and he was the CTO of Takeoff Technologies, a pioneer in microfulfillment systems. We…

  • Fire Safety Systems in Warehouses

    Fire Safety Systems in Warehouses

    Reflections on Oxygen Reduction Systems This week I had the pleasure of attending a small conference on fire safety in warehouses. The conference was hosted by Wagner Group GmbH of Hannover, Germany (not to be confused with the Russian organization of the same name, which also deals with fire, but with different technology and intent). Wagner is…

  • Goods-to-Robot Picking: What’s the Catch?

    Goods-to-Robot Picking: What’s the Catch?

    Almost every time I talk to customers about large goods-to-person systems, the conversation eventually turns to robotic picking. So I thought I should summarize some of the key challenges of integrating robots into picking systems. And this time, I made a video out of it as well. You can find the transcript of the video…

  • On Using Totes vs. Original Cartons in Zone Picking Systems with Flow Racks

    On Using Totes vs. Original Cartons in Zone Picking Systems with Flow Racks

    When I talk to customers about zone picking systems, we often come to the question of whether they should fill their flow racks in the zone picking system with the products’ original cartons or with standardized plastic totes. There are good arguments for both, but I have the feeling that the arguments for using totes…

  • Guest Appearance on Podcast Logistikkpodden by LIS

    Guest Appearance on Podcast Logistikkpodden by LIS

    Norwegian logistics equipment supplier Lager & Industrisystemer (LIS, in German Lager- und Industriesysteme) runs a podcast called Logistikkpodden – Norway’s first (and probably still only) podcast dedicated to warehouse logistics. In the past, representatives from well-known companies have been guests, e.g. Ikea, Nille, Oda (formerly Kolonial.no), Bring and BliVakker…. Earlier this year, I was invited…

  • Cube Storage Systems: Market Overview & Comparison

    Cube Storage Systems: Market Overview & Comparison

    Inspired by the success of AutoStore, a number of entrepreneurs and established vendors have developed their own variations of cube storage systems. In another article, I compared AutoStore to its competitor Jungheinrich PowerCube. At this point, AutoStore probably doesn’t have any serious competition in the cube storage space. While the AutoStore system isn’t “perfect” (with…

  • Remote Work and the Underrated Concept of Organizational Culture

    Remote Work and the Underrated Concept of Organizational Culture

    Let us start with the conclusion: One of the primary responsibilities of executives is to shape and maintain the organizational culture. If they do not recognize this responsibility and act accordingly, the organization will fail. Permanently allowing full-time remote work makes it difficult, if not impossible, to build a healthy organizational culture. It was therefore…

  • Warehouse Automation for 3PLs

    Warehouse Automation for 3PLs

    Why Adoption is Slower Than you Might Expect Introduction We are moving more goods from warehouses to consumers than ever before. And the more e-com replaces brick-and-mortar, physical commerce, the more business is done in warehouses. Accordingly, logistics service providers (LSPs, or third-party logistics providers, 3PLs), which operate warehouses on behalf of retailers, have enjoyed…

  • The Reasons we Automate Slow-movers First

    The Reasons we Automate Slow-movers First

    There is a fundamental principle in warehouse automation. And yet, it seems to be poorly understood by many professionals, including logistics engineers, whose job it is to design automated warehouses. The principle is that you should generally aim to automate slow-moving products, not fast-moving products. This is true for most concepts, although there are exceptions.…

  • Short Dictionary of Logistics Illiteracy

    Short Dictionary of Logistics Illiteracy

    A Collection of Nonsense Terms and Concepts In the world of logistics, there are a lot of terms and concepts that are completely useless, yet seem to be ubiquitous. You find them at conferences, in the news, in student papers, on corporate websites… And it would be good to put an end to some of…

  • ABC Analysis with a Twist: Using the Gini Coefficient for Interpretation

    ABC Analysis with a Twist: Using the Gini Coefficient for Interpretation

    Most people in logistics know about Pareto charts and ABC analysis. Some people in logistics know how to read a Pareto chart and how to derive conclusions for the planning of a logistics system (automated or manual). Very few people, however, including most senior planning engineers, know how to compare different Pareto charts and how to characterize…

  • Review of Jungheinrich PowerCube and Comparison with AutoStore

    Review of Jungheinrich PowerCube and Comparison with AutoStore

    Jungheinrich officially unveiled its PowerCube goods-to-person (GtP) order picking system at Logimat 2022 in Stuttgart. This makes Jungheinrich – an established brand name in warehouse equipment – the latest member of the ever-growing group of goods-to-person order picking solution providers. The launch caught the attention of all competitors, not least because at first glance the…

  • On the Power of “Good Enough”

    On the Power of “Good Enough”

    Sometimes, we see companies with fantastic products – and they fail commercially. Sometimes, we see companies with fantastic products, and they can even solve real problems for real customers – and yet, they fail commercially.  Now, there is certainly no shortage of reasons why companies can fail commercially in spite of having fantastic products, and…

  • Nachhaltigkeit im Online-Handel: Anmerkungen zur Digitalstudie 2022 der Postbank

    Nachhaltigkeit im Online-Handel: Anmerkungen zur Digitalstudie 2022 der Postbank

    Kürzlich wurde die “Digitalstudie 2022” der Postbank zum Thema Online-Shopping vorgestellt, welche verschiedene Aspekte des Online-Bestellverhaltens der Deutschen repräsentativ untersucht. Die Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse können als Pressemeldung auf den Internetseiten der Postbank eingesehen werden [1] und ist außerdem von zahllosen weiteren Outlets wortwörtlich übernommen worden (es lebe unser Qualitätsjournalismus, der Pressemitteilungen klar kennzeichnet). Schwerpunkt der…

  • There is no such thing as Supply Chain Management. Let’s abandon the field.

    There is no such thing as Supply Chain Management. Let’s abandon the field.

    I have wanted to write this text for a long time but have put it off – for about ten years. There isn’t much to be gained by criticizing established concepts or institutions; it will upset people, it creates negative vibes… In the end, though, I decided it was worth it. Academic freedom isn’t granted…

  • Combining Goods-to-Person Picking with Zone Picking Systems

    Combining Goods-to-Person Picking with Zone Picking Systems

    In this article, we want to explore the combination of goods-to-person (GtP) picking systems with zone picking systems. This particular solution design will be discussed in the context of high-performance picking requirements – systems that will have to cope with strong customer demand, i.e., several thousand orderlines per hour. Combining GtP picking with zone picking…

  • Two Strategies for eGrocery Automation

    Two Strategies for eGrocery Automation

    Having worked with a number of online supermarkets in the past couple of years, I found that there are two strategic approaches to making eGrocery operations profitable.  And which one can work for you is largely dependent on one particular constraint. Two Paths to Happiness The first approach is based on a high degree of…

  • Zone Picking Systems: Beautiful and Complicated

    Zone Picking Systems: Beautiful and Complicated

    Zone picking systems (often called zone routing systems) have been around for decades. And yet, it seems they are being underappreciated these days. Part of the reason might be that few people understand how they work and how their potential can be tapped. And just to get this straight: everybody understands – in principle –…

  • On the Sustainability of Q Commerce Companies: Why Most Go Bust, and Why That‘s a Good Thing

    On the Sustainability of Q Commerce Companies: Why Most Go Bust, and Why That‘s a Good Thing

    As a professor of logistics and a citizen interested in and concerned about the sustainability of business models, I watch the meteoric rise of rapid grocery delivery services like GoPuff in the US and Gorillas in Germany with some skepticism. At a time when sustainability and protecting our climate have gone mainstream and become a…

  • Limitations of Shuttle Systems in Goods-to-Person Picking Applications for eGrocery

    Limitations of Shuttle Systems in Goods-to-Person Picking Applications for eGrocery

    In this article, I investigate the use of conventional single-level shuttle systems for goods-to-person picking of grocery items in e-com. I will explain why this particular type of automated storage and retrieval systems poses certain problems for eGrocery picking, and I will compare them to alternative concepts like AutoStore. It will become clear why the…

  • The Risk of Large Projects

    The Risk of Large Projects

    Experience shows: large automation projects are risky and are likely to be unprofitable. And yet, chasing white elephants is a dominant activity of large teams in sales departments of almost every logistics automation company.